Custom Fields Overview

In this guide, we'll cover:

  1. Custom Field Overview
  2. Creating a Custom Field
  3. Custom Field Types

Custom Field Overview:

Dragonboat Custom fields are user-configured fields that apply to portfolio items (idea, initiative, bet). They can be displayed by users on various views and cards, and used to create dropdown and formula fields.

  • Types: short text, rich text, number, yes/no, dates, user fields, dropdown, and formula. 
  • Availability: Custom fields can be used in Jira field mapping in plan types that are Enterprise and above.
  • Permission: Only Account Admin can create and edit custom fields. If needed, Editor and Read-only permissions can be updated by contacting us. More details on user permissions can be found here.
  • Display: Custom fields can be deleted or archived. Archived fields will not display anywhere in the app. If archived custom fields are updated to Active, previously set data will display.
  • Viewing and customization: User may choose to display selected custom fields on edit screen, various views, cards, and columns (Portfolio and Request list).
  • Bulk update: Users may update custom fields in bulk.

Creating a Custom Field

Dragonboat custom fields come in the following types: short text, rich text, number, yes/no, dates, dropdown, formula, and user custom fields

To create a Portfolio and/or Request custom field, as an Admin, go to Settings > Roadmap Attributes > Custom Fields.

Click create new and select a field type. Enter the Custom Field Title and designate where the field will be available: just Portfolio items, Requests, or Both. 

Note: by default, when a new field is created, it will be set to Portfolio.

  1. If you want custom field values in Requests to be available when a Request is promoted to an existing portfolio item, designate both Portfolio Items and Requests for the Available In column.
  2. If you want to keep custom Request values just in the Requests, select Requests only for Available In.
  3. If you want to collect specific information on Portfolio items, but not show in Requests, select Portfolio only for Available In.

Note: if you update the Available In column, please note that this change only applies to new items created moving forward.

Custom field types 

Dragonboat custom fields come in the following types: short text, number, yes/no, dates, dropdown, formula, and user custom fields

Admin may create a dropdown (single-select) custom field and edit the options available. This field may be linked with Jira field for Enterprise accounts.


Multi-select Dropdown Custom field  

You can create Multi-Select Dropdown custom fields in Settings, just like single dropdowns. This data will be seen in the Portfolio item Lightbox, Portfolio Roadmaps > List and Board, and Advanced search filters.


Formula Custom Field

Admin may create formula custom field, and edit the formula. This field is a read-only field and currently available on the List and edit screen. If you do not see them, check the Show Fields option.

  • To create or edit the formula, mouse over the description field to see the open icon


  • Date and number are the only field types available to create a formula. Use dropdown to select fields. Formula field option does not support other field types, e.g dropdown (even if the options are numbers), other formula fields. 
  • If you'd like to create a field that's based on another formula, you may create the 2nd formula with the 1st formula and additional conditions. For example
    • Total benefit score (F1) = (X + Y)/2
    • Modified MoAR (F2) = Total benefit score (F1) / Effort
    • ==> you'd set
    • Modified MoAR (F2) = (X + Y)/2 / Effort



Formula field may display on Portfolio list (show field) and Edit screen (check show field option)
In the future this field will be added to other pages and display options throughout of the app. 

Note: When building your formula, make sure you're only using date or number fields, as you cannot build a formula on top of a formula at this time. 


Common use case of Formula Custom Field

  • Customized Prioritization/ scores


  • Calculate Predicted vs. Target end date: for example, create a Target vs Predicted Date field to highlight potential risk. Use the inline filter to filter out empty fields





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